Time Detectives Services

Ad-Hoc Research £300 per day (or part of) plus expenses

Ad-Hoc Research can be undertaken on most aspects of Family Tree Research, also for lost relatives and Historical/Family Mysteries. For simple research, and specific searches on individuals, with report on findings. £300 per day (or part of) plus expenses if required. Initial consultation £100, followed by Day Rate.

A Basic Tree is £1000, for minimum of 200 years (with no upper limit)

For the person who wants a researched framed Family Tree to display, we will trace and record your Family Tree, typically through the surname of your choice, back at least 200 years (example below).

That gives an A4 sized framed tree, with a report on the basic facts we find out (usually 25-50 pages).  This goes back through direct ancestors in a single surname line.  It usually takes 1-2 months but depends on what is found.


Just give us a few details concerning your family, such as  names, birth, marriage, and death dates, whatever you currently know, and we do the rest.   The more information you start us with the further and faster we can trace back.

The Family Story Service is £5,000

This Service includes the Basic Tree Service, plus a narrative of the family, going into why they did what they did, rather than just “what” they did,  including the direct history that would have driven their choices in life, or indeed their lack of choices.  You also get a large Family Tree with all traced members of the family on it, and any Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates for direct ancestors.  The Narrative usually varies from about 100-200 pages in length.  This usually takes 2-4 months but depends on what is found.

These specific family Tree Tracing  Services generally cover tracing Family Trees in the English speaking world, and in some Western European Countries (depending on availability of records).  The results are provided both in hardcopy, and in electronic download.

Family Event Presentations £1,000 per Event (Per Day plus Travel and Subsistence)

Full Presentation Event to any sized audience, typically explaining results and findings from research, and great for narrative of a Family’s Ancestral Journey from past to present. Entertaining and Informative, with full access to Presenter for duration of event. Excellent for Birthdays, Christmas, and other anniversaries, as well as Historical events for Museums, Educational, and other Institutions and Societies.

DNA Research £300 for the first month, followed by £200 per month thereafter

This is for those who are interested in seeing what relations they have in the wider world and where their DNA comes from geographically in deep history.  This service is available by use of commercial platforms like Ancestry.  Time Detectives manages the administration, contacts, Family Tree and details of any relationships that are identified by the service.  Everything you would normally get from an Ancestry DNA Test, with Time Detectives managing what is found and piecing together wider relationships, possible connecting Family Trees.  Updates on a monthly basis. At the end of any annual period you can take over management of the online results for yourself should you wish.